9/14 BBC: Polish Music

I learn and review some words from CNN films.
For 911 events, I can absorbed these usages quickly.

If u would like to memorize words, try to use keywords and creat a  
new sentences by yourself. Becuase your own expression way will help you 
keep them in mind  efficently. It helps you to make impression deeply and 
make you clear for its use.  

What if it's hard for a beginning for you. That is OK. You can follow any books 
to make practice.  Then, using English to think something,or talking to yourself.
Gradually, you will find that there are many regular form of uses  formed by yoursef.
Besides, self oral speaking pratice will make you speak fluently, too. 
But, don't forget to read pieces of  news or articles everyday.

I think...
news evens stimulate your thinking.
words and usages enrich your expression. 

persist for =last
-The storm persist for a week.
persist in =insist on 
-Why do you persist in doing that?
persist that 
-He persisted that he has nothing to do with robbery.

buckle=bend vi.
-The result make the building twist, buckle and collapse.

-A tattered American flag hangs over Ground Zero. vi
-She tattered her skirt. vt
-Her clothes was in tatters. [C]

hamper =limit =restrain
-The rebuilding has hampered by cost and security issues.

cultivate vt. vi
-to cultivate  good habits
-cultivation of good habits.

intensify vt
-His absence intensified her longing.

intensify vi =strengthen
-The war intensified.

look back on ..
-look back on 911

-He take a mournful view of human affair 
mournful view =pessimistic
-a mournful story = a sad story.
-a mournful expression on her face.

wreckage n.[C] =destruction part
-People say that is not wreckage.

resentment = anger n.

carnage= slaughter n.

church service 
to attend service

PM=prime minister
cease-fire n.
footage n.
fish-eye lens n.

trauma n.
-911 trauma last for 5 years.

-Give me remeberance to your fater.
-birthday rememberance

Pentagon conspiracy theories

-prerogative [c]
-tropical fish

I will tell you in a while. =later
I will tell you later on.= in the future

low-key adj
-They make a low-key ceremony

cloudy adj
-It's cloudy = The sky suddently overcast by cloud.

overdue adj
-I'm overdue. =I'm late. 

mouse-color adj = grey
-It's mouse-color.

The irony is that ....

address= make a speech
-He is going to address nation / meeting

retard  vt,vi
-the heavy rain retraded our progress.
-His death was retarded by 5 years because of good treatment.

Reference from Yahoo dictionary & CNN.

E-book, Alice in the wonderland  & Through the Looking Glass.

9/3 Studio Classroom
Topic. Is exercise good for u even when u're sick?
Exercise may make you feel better when u have a cold.
It can help clear up a stuffy head or give u more energy.
On the other hand, too much excerise won't help u recover from a cold.
It may make u weak or dehydrate. Becuase excerise raise your body temperature,
which could be dangerous if you have a fever.

*Good to read this short piece. Hope the excerise will do u good, not harm u. 

8/31 Snake & Living. 仿-Travel & Living channel
Lots flavors of Doritos here, ha ha ..
Each flavor has its own discription.

.Rock ur mouth with high-decibel
.Start a stampede of cool ranch flavor. That's unique blend of cheese with the smooth and coll taste of buttermilk.
.Go Bold with that radical spicy Nacho Flavor, bursting with the Nacho cheese taste.
You love and infused with a spicy kick of red pepper. 
Crank it up with the bold flavor fusion of spicy black peppe and creamy peper jack cheese.
.Mix it up with a robust blend of green JALAPENO, and just the right amount of tomato and spices.
.Do your own thing with the crisp, fresh toasted-corn flavor? That's perfect for loading up or dipping in.
.Feel the blast of south-of-the-border seasonings and the burst of bold cheese flavor.
.Get your taste buds fired up in the bold, savory flavors of roasted mexican-style chiles, onion, glaric and lime.
.Dare to experience the fierce? Fiery flavor rush and off-the-charts intensity of habanero-the hottest chile pepper on earth.

-high-decibel, a unit  of measurement of noise. That is what I suffer everyday  
-buttermilk, I don't know!
-kick of , it's an American slang. ...they usually describe that food are "quite spicy" in flavoring. 
Besides, something make u exciting and feel high... u can use .....kick of ......
-Jalapeno, a Mexican pepper. 
-salsa, one kind of spicy sauce used in Mexican food. Here, u can get a great answer for knowing salsa.

-taste buds, 味蕾。
-"off-the-chart"  means a thing goes to be so worst or wonderful. You can't measure it on the chart.
Becuase it exceeds on the chart. A very interesting use. Adj, off-the-chart.  
or use in a conversation "off the chart ! " 糟透了;好到沒話說。

A:How bad? / How good?
B:off the chart !

 * Hope u can enjoy English learning with English thinking !!!

8/29 BBC learning English Topic:India's colleges confront quotas
News story with audio. Traning ur listening through discussing the topic. 
There are many social issues. u can try to apply these sentences or particular usages in your oral speaking.

*Michael Jackson's birthday. 

8/28 Live 告嗄D
-I like cornflak, but in Taiwan it usally tastes too sweet for me >-"salt shaker"   I  learnt "pls pass me the salt" , but don't know it's also called"salt shaker"
Just like Judy told me the "single-fold eyelids", and I learnt it as "single eyelids", "double eyelids" and so forth.
-"It's piping hot" means it's quite hot. It's intersting in learning American English, becuase they like to use something like 狀聲詞 to decribe.
-"How silly of me!" ha....seems to point at me.>
* Here are plentiful life conversation topics. It may be helpful to your life.  


.The case has became a symbol of the American obssession with celebrity.
It's about Michael Jackson's child molestation case. The case ended last year.
Michael was accquited eventually, but this long-term lawsuit has damaged his fame thoroughly.
No matter what the medium tell, he has been a magic and incredible pop singer, musician in my mind.

.Pope John Paul was rushed to the hospital Tuesday.

.They are angery at John Kerry for invoking their lesbian daughter during the final presidential debate.
Cheneys have dealt with the issue and meant no offense. Mary Cheney, who is openly gay, runs operations 
in the vice president's campaign. She and her partner were an established couple when Dick Cheney 
was picked as Bush's running mate in 2000.

to run operations...means to run election activities.
running mate...means the partner of the candidate.

- He has an enormorous ego.
It's great to remind of this word "enormorous" by Judy, 
We also can use the synonymy  "tremendous" to describe something huge.

- That failure was a blow to my ego. = His ego was hit by that failure.

* Try to understand the use of method(the word with underline) to memorize. 
It is helpful to improve ur expression way and make ur oral fluent, 
expecially these obvious and easy sentence constructions.  

I condemn the violence behavior, particularly defend himself 
with so ridiculous excuse in the media.  Also, I can't figure out 
what "these guests" really want to appeal for?  Just can not
realize how Taiwan people can let the talk show programs 
disturb the peace?  

Look their disgusting face. Freedom of speech but bull-shit speech.  
In my view, it just stirs up the crowd constantly.  Egoistic they are, 
just want to win everything and not to hesitate to battle with other politicos
Don't do that. It won't let us regard such behaviors as sacrifice. 

We, are certainly the sacrifice.
Too waste time  to know such lousy news.     

by Frenchie

8/23 Yam News
* It's American English news with vacabulary & radio will help u learn & digest quickly.
*Try to learn this sort of short articles, if u won't have patience or no much time to read.

8/22 BBC learning English Topic- Mexican food in London 
.Press "AUDIO" to listen.
.After listening it once or  twice, pls download the "Programme script
   which puts in "Extras" section to learn from this. 

*It's British English..not American English.   Try to understand or identify 
   different accents from English-speaking courtries.

--Not a big deal info., Just wanna share something what I read or surf on the internet.





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